Meet Ebba Johansson, SACC-NE alumni.

Meet Ebba Johansson, SACC-NE alumni.

Being an intern at SACC-NE is a unique opportunity to gain valuable ‘real world’ experience and business-related skills as well as develop a professional international network in a region with some of the world’s most prominent life science, technology, and cleantech industry clusters. It is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to gain a competitive edge — in Sweden and internationally. We asked Ebba Johansson, Business Development Intern at SACC-NE 2019/2020, why she chose to become an intern.

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Back to Business: Expanding to the U.S

Back to Business: Expanding to the U.S

On 27th of October we had the great pleasure of hosting the webinar “Back to Business: Expanding to the U.S”. Thank you to everyone who joined the event. SACC-NE also wants to thank our speaker Peter Bak for sharing his knowledge and insights regarding expansions overseas, and how to engage with investors, along with strategy development through multiple case studies.

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