We are proud to welcome Emulate Energy as a new Corporate Member of the SACC-NE network!

We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to Emulate Energy as the newest member of the Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce New England. Emulate Energy's expertise in the energy sector and their commitment to sustainable solutions perfectly align with our mission to drive economic growth and foster collaboration within the Swedish-American business community.

As a member of SACC-NE, Emulate Energy will gain access to a vast network of resources, connections, and events that will further enhance their engagement and opportunities within the New England region. We are excited to embark on this partnership and eagerly anticipate the positive impact that Emulate Energy will bring to our vibrant community.

We interviewed Shwan Lamei, Co-Founder and CEO of Emulate Energy, to find out more about them, their work, and what they look forward to with their new membership.

Please introduce yourself, Emulate Energy, and your work in Boston as well as Sweden!

I am originally from Lund and moved to the US with work in 2017. I founded Emulate together with a childhood friend who also spent some time in Boston - our core technology is based on his research at MIT. We are a Swedish company but have started hiring in the US as well. Aside from me, I have another colleague in Boston and one in San Francisco. 

How would you describe your company culture?

We are driven to explore and learn. We welcome calculated risk-taking as long as we are intensely focused on delivering outstanding customer experience.  

What is the best part of being an employee at EMULATE ENERGY?

Working with so many brilliant colleagues solving important problems. 

Where do you see EMULATE ENERGY in 5 years?

I see us making a significant impact in accelerating the energy transition and enabling electricity companies to reinvent their business models in a new energy landscape. 

Why did you join SACC-NE and what are you looking forward to as a member?

It was a very natural decision to join, there is a rather large Swedish expat community here in New England and in hindsight, we should have joined earlier. I look forward to engaging with the other Swedes. 

Share some exciting news about EMULATE ENERGY!

We were recently awarded a Department of Energy Grant and will increase our focus on the US market.