What's Next: The Future of Connectivity, Mobility, and the Workforce of Tomorrow
The annual SACC Summit is a catalyst for future business success. This year it brings together high level decision makers, industry leaders, academics, and members from our 19 chambers, in Phoenix, Arizona, 2-4 November (with an internal meeting for SACC members only in the afternoon on Monday November 1).
Due to lingering travel restrictions and uncertainties, the speaker portions of the Summit will be available virtually. For in-person attendees, there will be extra side events and plenty of networking opportunities.
This year the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce (SACC) Summit covers the important and timely topics:
Connectivity: Expansion and innovation in connectivity is expected to change our lives, and industry players are racing to deliver pervasive and seamless technologies in areas such as high-speed mobile broadband and Internet of Things.
Mobility: The entire way we travel from point A to point B for work or play is changing. This shift will impact more than just automakers and logistics companies. Many industries are evaluating how their services will change, and how they can create value in this changing market.
Workforce: With innovation, connectivity, and distributed workforce, the workplace is no longer always a central location. New technologies as AI and robotics change what humans can and will do in the workplace.
Among the speakers you will find:
H.E. Karin Olofsdotter. Ambassador of Sweden to the U.S.
Gregor Hembrough. Head of Polestar USA
Niklas Reinedahl. GM Einride North America
Robert Strand. Executive Director, Center for Responsible Business at University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business
Mats Andersson. CEO and founder of MUMIMO
Hans Amell. CEO of DragonWaveX
Caroline Decker. VP Federal Government Affairs, WSP USA
You can access the full agenda below, powered by the event app, Guestboard.
BONUS: For the first time, the SACC Summit will feature top-notch Swedish contemporary music artists in the Swedish Music Showcase.